Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stop and think about someone you really admire

Are you thinking of someone? Whether that person is a teacher, coach, friend or family member, he or she is valuable to you. You recognize that this person is important because what they do impacts your life. But did you know that everyone is valuable? That's right. Your boss, your mailman, your babysitter and your neighbor—they are all valuable.

Every person has value, not because of what they do, but because each and every person has been put together by God. When God created people, He made them in His image. That means every person alive today has been put together in the likeness of God. So every person has value. And it’s our job to help everyone feel like they are valuable.

When we show other people how valuable they really are, we are showing them honor. There are many ways to honor someone. Moses gave us the Ten Commandments to teach us to honor our mother and father (Exodus 20:12). Paul taught us to honor the authorities who have been placed over us on earth (Romans 13:1). When Jesus was on earth, He taught us to honor everyone—even those who are overlooked and unpopular.
Jesus showed other people how valuable they really were by spending time with them. He ate dinner with people who usually ate alone. He served people who were used to doing the serving. He paid attention to people who normally didn't get a lot of attention. If Jesus thought it was important to honor everyone, then we should follow His example.
This February, we’re taking on the Ultimate Challenge of showing the highest degree of honor. We’ll be looking to David as a mentor and exploring his life in 1 and 2 Samuel, and we will define honor as “letting someone know you see how valuable they really are.

In week 1, we’re looking at how God chooses the next king from an unexpected place—the youngest boy watching sheep in the fields (1 Samuel 16:1-13). We’ll notice that God doesn’t see as the world sees; He looks at the heart instead. Bottom line: Honor those who are overlooked.
This Bible story sets up the month and God’s pattern to honor people in unexpected ways and encouraging us to do the same. To do this, it will help to memorize our monthly verse: “Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves,” Romans 12:10, NIrV.

In week 2, we’re discovering that honor can also be shown between friends. In this Bible story, we’re introduced to the current king, Saul, and his son, Jonathan. These two may be related, but they have very different responses to David’s role in their lives and his rising popularity (1 Samuel 18:1-4 & 5-9).
Saul is increasingly more concerned about his own status and power. But Jonathan values his relationship with David more. He doesn’t just say so in words, but also through his actions, sharing important things like his armor and weapons. Bottom Line: Honor others more than yourself.

In week 3, we’re discovering that it’s important to honor the people in charge of you. If you don’t and you dishonor them, it usually doesn’t end well. Often, people get hurt. Just ask King David’s son, Absalom. He rebels because he thinks he’d make a better king (2 Samuel 15:1-16a, 18:5-7, 15, 31-33).
His dad tried to protect him, but the natural consequences of showing dishonor led to a real tragedy. That’s why it’s best to Bottom Line: Honor those who are over you.

In week 4, we’re discovering that another way to show honor is through worship. In some cultures, dancing is a special way of expressing honor to someone important. In this Bible story, King David is so excited that the ark of the covenant—and God’s presence—is finally coming to his city, that he dances on and off the whole way there!(2 Samuel 6:12b-22a) He dances out of his joy, for an audience of One—not caring what others might think.

When we really love God, it’s natural to Bottom Line: Honor God in front of others. We just can’t help ourselves really! It doesn’t matter if others think we might be embarrassing ourselves. This month, we’re not only looking for ways to show others how valuable they really are, but also for opportunities to share publicly who God is, what He means to you and how He’s shown up in your life. Who can argue with that?
I can’t wait to see what happens in February when we take on the Ultimate Challengeof showing the highest degree of honor!

By Cara Martens. ©2011 Orange. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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