Thursday, May 5, 2011

Children need to own parts of their own Spiritual Growth

Each week I am overwhelmed, excited and touched at the very deepest part of my being with the responsibility and possibility that we, as Children's Minsters, have to connect with almost 1,000 children each weekend. We want the children of Cornerstone to grow closer to God, we want them to be more like Jesus, and we actually have a platform to help make that happen!

There are so many things we as volunteers and "professionals" can do to foster spiritual growth in the children who come to our classrooms or Children's Ministry environments. But there are also enormous gaps in areas where we cannot do anything to help "our" kids.
  • We can't read the Bible for our kids
  • We can't say evening prayers for our kids
  • We can't practice solitude for our kids (ok, only those approx. 2nd grade and older)
  • We can't offer secrets acts of service as if we were our kids
Let's take any opportunity in the weeks to come to challenge the children who we have influence over. Challenge them to take ownership in their own spiritual growth! Imagine the results...

However, if you are one of the people who are in leadership over children at Cornerstone, take a look at those four disciplines of a growing Christian. Are you leading children and other volunteers in these areas, or are those gaps in your week? Take a quick inventory of your own spiritual rhythms and decide where you can be the example! Image the results...
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