It reminded of this article from
“If I only get that – then I’ll really be happy,” she said.
I was amazed. “You don’t really believe that? Do you?”
“Yes, it will make me happy . . .. I know it will.”
This was a conversation I had last week with a child from our church. It reminded me of the spiritual dangers of Christmas. Many children live in a world of lies. Every television commercial is making a promise that it’s product will never keep. Added together, these messages create a worldview with one unshakable foundation: If I can get more stuff, then I’ll be happy.
It’s not just the television that pushes the myth. Family traditions and good intentions also play their part. As a parent, I want to see the thrill in my son’s eyes when he opens his new Transformer. But what is the long term impact? Are we teaching kids that happiness comes in a box?